Native American Spirit

I recently went on a road trip to the Grand Canyon with family and on the way we stopped at a rest area in the middle of the Arizona Desert to stretch and use the facilities.  Just outside there was a Native American couple selling some of the most gorgeous jewelry I had seen in some time.  As I admired the necklace that I eventually ended up buying, I asked the woman if she was Latin American or Native American.  Being from California which is inundated with Latino's, I couldn't help but ask.  Furthermore, for me at least, it is difficult to tell the difference, especially if you don't come across a Native American in your every day life.  The woman looked at me as if insulted, and she was probably thinking, "What an ignorant Black Woman"  then she straightened her back and stated "We are from the Navajo Tribe."  I guess she set me straight.  I asked her how much the necklace was, then purchased it in support of their Tribe.

As we rode across the desert I noticed the numerous Indian Reservations on which the Native Americans still reside upon ever since they were forced to by the U.S. Government since 1876.  It is no coincidence that the reservations happen to be some of poorest areas in the United States. they are fully equipped with the worst schools and little access to decent healthcare. Yes, there are a few Casinos in California, in which some of the profits go to various Native American Tribes.  However,  these people have become virtuously non-existent and these so-called Reservations are neatly tucked, remotely out of sight.

They have been stripped of their land, which by the way were some of the RICHEST lands in terms of natural resources.  They have been exposed to diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases and alcoholism, not to mention measles and the small pox epidemic. In fact, one tribe in Arizona has the highest rate of diabetes in the World!  Diabetes is of epidemic proportion among the group as a whole.  Also, just as the African Slaves were forbidden to speak their Native Tongue, so were the Native Americans.  This is genocide and annihilation at it's finest.

The Native American's have been known for being very proud, spiritual and resourceful people. Actually, they should be some of the richest people in this country, but they were raped of that right.  To this day funding that should have gone to them has been misappropriated.  In fact, Elouise Cobell, who passed away just this past Sunday, dedicated her life and fought for the billions of dollars that were supposed to go towards the American Indian College Fund and retribution for the Native American people by way of having more control over their lands.

So if you ever come across a true Native American, remember their plight, give them the respect they deserve, and if possible support them in any way you can. We have a responsibility to them for the wrong that has been inflicted upon them throughout history.

Thanks for reading.

Many Blessings,

Treat the Earth well.
It was not given to you by your parents,
it was loaned to you by your children.
We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors,
we borrow it from our Children.
~Ancient Indian Proverb


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