A Peaceful Crossing (Thoughts on D & D)

Like most people, I don't do death well. It is difficult enough for the one dying, however, I think it can be even more difficult for those left behind, because not only do we have deal with the loss, but it also forces us to come to terms with the status of our own lives and mortality.

Yesterday we visited a close family friend who has been battling lung cancer for the past several years.  At 56 years old he is now in hospice, counting the number of days he has left on this earth. He had never smoked a day in life, never did drugs, is an extremely talented published author, and at one time was an exceptional athlete. With heavyheartedness he wept, saying " It wasn't supposed to be like this" and  "I'm not done yet".  As I watched and listened to him, I fought back my own tears, wanting to be strong for him, because after all it was he who was on his death bed, and we who were to symbolize "the roses" at his bedside.

None of us know when that exact day will come that he will be called into the light, and although it may sound cruel, there were hopes that that time would come sooner than later.  After all, nobody wants to see a loved one suffer. However, for him to be able to make his transition to the other side with dignity is key. We wanted to be sure his atmosphere was suitable, that he was made as comfortable as possible and that he was surrounded with people who loved and cared about him. The one thing that we could not give him, is acceptance, which can only come with time.

I feel that every situation God places us in is meant to be a learning experience.  From this I am learning many things. Among them are of course patience and compassion, but also the importance of the little things like, hot chicken noodle soup, lifelong friends, a smile, a kiss on the forehead, the holding of a hand, and a kind words. For these are all the things that a dying person wants.  I have also taken something very important from what my Mother has told me which is that nothing is linear, and that everything revolves in a circle, starting with our universe, time, and on a smaller scale, even our lives. We will all eventually return to the dust from which we came. What we are able to accomplish within this short time span is completely up to us, so live freely and be sure to Bless the world with your talents.

Thanks for reading.

Many Blessings,

Birth and death; we all move between these two unknowns
~ Brian H. McGill


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