This Is Your Brain On Protein...

Most of us are familiar with the fact that proteins help build and repair muscles after they are broken down after an intense workout and are necessary for strong bones, skin, hair, and blood.  What many do not know, is that proteins are also essential to the capacity in which your brain functions.

During a meeting a colleague turned to me and said that she could tell the difference between how sharp her mind is when she has her protein in the morning in comparison to when she doesn’t eat her protein in the morning.  Basically her brain needs a jump start every morning via protein.
What happens after eating a breakfast that is high in protein is that is raises the tyrosine levels in the brain which in turn causes the brains neurons to produce norepinephrine and dopamine.  As a result these neurotransmitters (norepinephrine and dopamine) increase alertness and brain activity. It is the neurotransmitters that allow your brain to network and communicate. The amino acids that come from the proteins in our food, build these neurotransmitters.

In addition, Tyrosine is not only the major cause in the brain’s alertness and increased energy, it also aids in controlling the thyroid gland. Your body actually needs it to keep thyroid hormones active.

In a recent Rutgers University Study, the focus was a specific protein called Cypin which is commonly found throughout the body.  However, when found in the brain, it regulates nerve cells and neuron branching, which is known to increase as a person learns.  The opposite takes place when a person has a learning disability, a neurological disease, and even Alzheimer’s.  In turn this protein could eventually be the treatment for such diseases and disorders.

The bottom line is, that protein stimulates neurons...

In yet another study, done by the Neuroscientist community from the University of Leichester, it was a particular protein is found in the brain that helped reduce an individual’s ability to deal with stress, anxiety and adverse life events, which we are all guaranteed to have in our lives at one time or another.

For anyone who has had a brain injury or brain surgery, eating a high protein diet of chicken, fish, protein shakes, or vegetable protein, will considerably speed up the healing process by restoring the brains balance and producing additional neurotransmitters.

So no matter how you get it, EAT YOUR PROTEIN.  If you’re like me and are on the go, purchase a high protein powder and blend it with your favorite fruit, some almond milk and ice and drink your breakfast on the way into work.  Not only will it help you fulfill your daily protein requirement, but it will also help you fill full longer.  By starting your day off with protein you will have your brain working at optimal capacity throughout the day.

Thanks for Reading.

Many Blessings,

“If you look at the anatomy, the structure, the function, there’s nothing in the universe that’s more beautiful, that’s more complex, than the human brain.”
~Keith Black


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