Why Blog?

Today will officially be my first blog posting!  For months I've asked myself, "Why Blog"?  Do I really want to be like Carrie from Sex in the City, feverishly typing my every thought and feeling each night?  Or do I want to use it as  the next level of "My Space" to showcase myself and make it seem like I'm more hip than I really am?

Well, this is my answer and I'm Sticking With It!

I'm starting this Blog because I have realized that not only do we all need platforms for expression, but also I've realized that we are never alone as we journey through life's experiences.  There are always people who are going through similar, if not the same, situations that you are.  If I can keep my Blogs real about my Journey, it has the possibility to guide, touch, heal, or influence someone that may be experiencing the same thing in their life.

So as you continue reading my posts, know what my purpose is, if you become enlightened in the process, then I've done my job.

Thanks for reading!

BTW, I just ate my last Salt & Pepper Pop Chip, so that means my Blogging is done for now...

Many Blessings,


Courage doesn't always roar.
Sometimes courage is the quiet voice
at the end of the day saying,
"I will try again tomorrow"
- Mary Anne Radmacher


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