Are You Going to Quit Smoking for 2012?

As a former smoker for many years, I know how difficult it is to finally kick the habit for good!  So please don't use the excuse of "I Can't Quit".  What worked for me which is something that may not necessarily work for everyone was to do it "cold turkey". To continue to smoke at all only seemed to spiral me back into the same pattern of smoking the same number of cigarettes that I swore to stop smoking to begin with.  Recent studies show that most ex-smokers have also chosen this method of quitting as well.

How do you know that you are ready to quit?  Well, first you have to always listen to that inner voice.  If it's telling you that you need to quit, then you should listen.  When I was smoking, I got to a point where every time I would smoke a cigarette my conscious would say to me " You Know You're Killing Yourself Right?" Also, if you feel that you are smoking more and enjoying it less, you are definitely ready to quit..  Finally, if smoking has severely affected your health, and trust me it will if you continue to smoke, it is time for you to quit.

Cigarettes are not your friend. They deplete you of money,  disrespect your clothing, lead people to think that you are10 years older than you are, and not only has to tag along with you any and everywhere you go, but offends others who may also be in your company.  I won't even mention the toll that they take on your physical well being, because you can read that right off of the side of the pack. However, I will say this, would a good friend try and kill you?  Why then then would you continue to befriend them?

Make the decision to quit for good!  The mind is POWERFUL!  It can tell the body to do whatever you want it to do.

Here are some quit smoking tips:

  • Don't carry cigarettes with you.
  • Take it one day at a time. If you do backslide and smoke a cigarette, don't go back to full on smoking again.  Continue on the path you started.
  • Repeat to yourself  " I am a non-smoker".
  • Tell others you have quit smoking, believe me they will help hold you accountable.
  • Be aware of the triggers that make you want to smoke (ie: coffee, drinking, other smokers)
  • Eat plenty of celery and carrots, they help replace the urge to smoke by keeping you mouth active.
  • Chew on Licorice root, which also satisfies the oral craving for nicotine.
  • Drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices, to help flush your system of toxins.
  • Put the money you would normally spend on cigarettes in a jar or piggy bank.
The journey to quitting smoking is not an easy one, however, If I was able to do it anyone can!
We must continue to thrive and add years back to our lives, instead of shortening our lifespans, especially those of us who have children. If you don't do it for you, then please, do it for them.

Thanks for Reading.

Peace and Blessings,

"Cigarettes are Killers that Travel in Packs."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Theres no reason for the word "I Can't Quit" because most of the people quit smoking after they had an illness and suffering from cancer and dying. If I were you people from now on i will quit from now on this year 2012 so that my health can live longer.

    electronic cigarette


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