As a former smoker for many years, I know how difficult it is to finally kick the habit for good! So please don't use the excuse of "I Can't Quit". What worked for me which is something that may not necessarily work for everyone was to do it "cold turkey". To continue to smoke at all only seemed to spiral me back into the same pattern of smoking the same number of cigarettes that I swore to stop smoking to begin with. Recent studies show that most ex-smokers have also chosen this method of quitting as well. How do you know that you are ready to quit? Well, first you have to always listen to that inner voice. If it's telling you that you need to quit, then you should listen. When I was smoking, I got to a point where every time I would smoke a cigarette my conscious would say to me " You Know You're Killing Yourself Right?" Also, if you feel that you are smoking more and enjoying it less, you are definitely ready to quit.. Finally, ...
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