What's up with HPV?

When I was a young girl of pre-adolecent and adolecent age we had never even heard of HPV (Human Papalovia Virus).  What is this new virus that is forcing the parents to decide whether or not to vaccinate their young daughters whether they are sexually active or not?  And the latest news is that they are now suggesting that Boys as young as 9 years old also receive the vaccination! Being a mother of a 12 year son who is knocking on the door of adolecence, I am really stuggling with this one. 

I am not taking a position for or against the HPV vaccine, however, for those of you who are unclear, like I was until I took a closer look at it, I would like to present the facts to you as I know them.

What is really going on?

HPV, which is passed on via genital to gential contact or during oral sex is now the most common STI (sexually transmitted infection).  Over 20 million American are currently infected with virus.  Between 75 and 80 percent of females and males in the United States will  be infected with HPV at some point in their lives.  Many however, will clear the virus without ever seeing the long term ill effects of it.  There is no way of predicting who will clear the virus and who will not.

There are over 40 types of the virus that can infect the genital areas of males and females, as well as the mouth and throat.  As with many STD's most people are unaware that they are even carrying the infection because there are often no symtoms or noticable health problems from it.  However, if not treated, HPV can cause warts on the genitals and in the throat. It can also cause Cervical cancer and other less common cancers such as vaginal, penis, anus and oropharynx, which occurs at the back of the throat, tongue and tonsils. 

***Women, because of the risk of Cervical Cancer in the latter stages of HPV, it is ESSENTIAL to get screenings regularly so that it can be detected as early as possible.***


Psst... In other words, as a carrier, you can continue to spread the virus without getting the diseases that are related to it.


Abstinance - Although it may seem unrealistic, it is still the only definite preventatitve measure.

HPV Vaccine - When given in the suggested three doses is supposed to provide the best protection.
they are also supposed to be the most effective when given betwen the ages of 11 and 12, but can be given to both girls and boys as early as 9 years of age. the most common are Cervarix and Gardasil for girls and Gardasil for boys. The vaccine has been available since 2006, but parent response has extremely low. Also keep in mind that if you decide to vaccinate your child after they become sexually active, the vaccine is far less effective.  The Vaccine claims to prevent the HPV- related cancers and diseases in both males and females.

Condoms - Lower the risk of HPV only if used in every act of sex, from start to finish.

Having only one Sexual Partner - May lower your risk, but isn't guaranteed due to the fact that the other partner may not be faithful, and furthermore, one partner may have already contracted the virus during a previous sexual encounter before the relationship became monogamous.

The are so many vaccines that we are bombarded with regards to our children.  Every year it's the flu shot, last year it was H1N1, this year it was the Pertussis vaccine before my son could return to middle school, now this? I don't want to be the parent that rushes my child to a peds appointment just to recieve the latest vaccine, all because the CDC and FDA and the NEJM, says I should.  Although it is something to serously think about.


Thanks for reading!

Many Blessings,


"The medical Authorities keep lying. Vaccination has been a disaster on the immune system.  It actually causes a lot of illnesses.  We are changing our genetic code through vaccination."
~Guylaine Lanctot M.D.
Canadian author of the best-seller 'Medical Mafia'


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