In The RAW!
What’s up with People who eat Raw Foods? What’s the scoop on the Raw Food Diet? If you are a novice to the raw food diet, here are some tidbits of information to help you get acclimated. Raw means unprocessed or uncooked. Rawism or the practice of eating uncooked or unprocessed food it the most healthy way of eating simply because the food is in it’s natural state. Cooking vegetables will deplete it of the nutrients that our bodies need the most. By eating in this manner you are going to be in optimal health. Eating a raw food diet will cause a leaner body, a clearer complexion, more energy and a reduced disease state, and weight loss. Overall people who practice rawism look different, for they do not experience the normal signs of aging as quickly and you may also notice youthfulness within the eyes. If you decide that rawism is something that you would like to try then some of the foods that you should expect to eat would be: Seaweed Whole G...