
Showing posts from October, 2011

What's up with HPV?

When I was a young girl of pre-adolecent and adolecent age we had never even heard of HPV (Human Papalovia Virus).  What is this new virus that is forcing the parents to decide whether or not to vaccinate their young daughters whether they are sexually active or not?  And the latest news is that they are now suggesting that Boys as young as 9 years old also receive the vaccination! Being a mother of a 12 year son who is knocking on the door of adolecence, I am really stuggling with this one.  I am not taking a position for or against the HPV vaccine, however, for those of you who are unclear, like I was until I took a closer look at it, I would like to present the facts to you as I know them. What is really going on? HPV, which is passed on via genital to gential contact or during oral sex is now the most common STI (sexually transmitted infection).  Over 20 million American are currently infected with virus.  B...

Broccoli, Mushroom and Tofu Stir Fry with Oyster Sauce

This is my own personal recipe, so I hope it knocks your socks off like it did me! 3 tablespoons of Olive Oil 2 teaspoons of minced garlic (or two whole cloves chopped) 1 can of mushrooms, or  2 cups of fresh mushrooms 1/4 bell pepper sliced thin 1 - 2 stocks of chopped green onion 4-5 cups of broccoli 1/2 block of firm tofu cubed 3 tablespoons of oyster sauce 2 teaspoons of sesame oil In a skillet or wok, pre-heat olive oil. Stir in 1 teaspoon of minced garlic, bell pepper and tofu. Sautee until tofu is brown, by stirring gently. Season with desired seasonings, but do not add salt. Remove Tofu mixture, then while skillet is still hot, stir in 2nd teaspoon of minced garlic, mushrooms, green onion and broccoli. Add additional olive oil if needed. Stir fry mixture for approx 10 min. being careful not to overcook broccoli. (Broccoli should remain slightly firm) Season with desired seasoning, but do not add salt. Add Tofu mixture to Broccoli and Mushroom mixture, t...

Native American Spirit

I recently went on a road trip to the Grand Canyon with family and on the way we stopped at a rest area in the middle of the Arizona Desert to stretch and use the facilities.  Just outside there was a Native American couple selling some of the most gorgeous jewelry I had seen in some time.  As I admired the necklace that I eventually ended up buying, I asked the woman if she was Latin American or Native American.  Being from California which is inundated with Latino's, I couldn't help but ask.  Furthermore, for me at least, it is difficult to tell the difference, especially if you don't come across a Native American in your every day life.  The woman looked at me as if insulted, and she was probably thinking, "What an ignorant Black Woman"  then she straightened her back and stated "We are from the Navajo Tribe."  I guess she set me straight.  I asked her how much the necklace was, then purchased it in support of their Tribe. As we rode across t...

A Peaceful Crossing (Thoughts on D & D)

Like most people, I don't do death well. It is difficult enough for the one dying, however, I think it can be even more difficult for those left behind, because not only do we have deal with the loss, but it also forces us to come to terms with the status of our own lives and mortality. Yesterday we visited a close family friend who has been battling lung cancer for the past several years.  At 56 years old he is now in hospice, counting the number of days he has left on this earth. He had never smoked a day in life, never did drugs, is an extremely talented published author, and at one time was an exceptional athlete. With heavyheartedness he wept, saying " It wasn't supposed to be like this" and  "I'm not done yet".  As I watched and listened to him, I fought back my own tears, wanting to be strong for him, because after all it was he who was on his death bed, and we who were to symbolize "the roses" at his bedside. None of us know when th...

Revolutionaries Die Young

Revolutionary defined means, "radically new or innovative; outside or beyond established procedure, principles, etc." The constant Buzz since yesterday has been the passing of 56 year old Steve Jobs, who was the mastermind behind the revolutionary technolgy of Apple.  I was never been one to stand in line overnight of for hours at a time until the store opened to get the latest, iPad, Mac, iPhone, iPod etc., etc., etc.  However, we do have several Apple products enbedded into our household. Personally, I've always been a Windows Woman. I do though, recognize a revolutionary and genius when I see one. Unfortunately, revolutionaries like Jobs, are here on this earth only long enough to do whatever it was they were sent here to do to change people's lives.  Steve Jobs can now be included in the long list of the out of the box thinkers that have left us suddenly, Martin Luther King Jr., Tupac, John F. Kennedy, Michael Jackson, and even Princ...

Steve Jobs: How to live before you die | Video on

Steve Jobs: How to live before you die Video on

Conya Doss - Featured Underground Artist

Underground Artist - Conya Doss

Rising Early

One of the old cliche's overused by the elders is "The early bird catches the worm". I have recently come to terms with what REALLY means.  I am a mother of a 12 year old son, who holds a full time occupation, attempts to hold a workout schedule, and manage my own aspirations, not mention have somewhat of social calendar. I think we can all say we get up early because we have to drop our children off to school and get to our workplace in a timely manner.  But to really rise early means to have that extra time in the morning to meditate, write, pray, spend time working towards out goals, read, eat a good breakfast, exercise, and just accomplish that much more that what the regular day will allow. There is no other peaceful time than that time that the early morning gives.  Now let's keep it real, I'm not saying that I wake up at 4:30 every morning, although I have close people in my life who are able to do that and I admire them for doing so.  For they are th...

Why Blog?

Today will officially be my first blog posting!  For months I've asked myself, "Why Blog"?  Do I really want to be like Carrie from Sex in the City, feverishly typing my every thought and feeling each night?  Or do I want to use it as  the next level of "My Space" to showcase myself and make it seem like I'm more hip than I really am? Well, this is my answer and I'm Sticking With It! I'm starting this Blog because I have realized that not only do we all need platforms for expression, but also I've realized that we are never alone as we journey through life's experiences.  There are always people who are going through similar, if not the same, situations that you are.  If I can keep my Blogs real about my Journey, it has the possibility to guide, touch, heal, or influence someone that may be experiencing the same thing in their life. So as you continue reading my posts, know what my purpose is, if you become enlightened in the process, t...