Revolutionary defined means, "radically new or innovative; outside or beyond established procedure, principles, etc." The constant Buzz since yesterday has been the passing of 56 year old Steve Jobs, who was the mastermind behind the revolutionary technolgy of Apple. I was never been one to stand in line overnight of for hours at a time until the store opened to get the latest, iPad, Mac, iPhone, iPod etc., etc., etc. However, we do have several Apple products enbedded into our household. Personally, I've always been a Windows Woman. I do though, recognize a revolutionary and genius when I see one. Unfortunately, revolutionaries like Jobs, are here on this earth only long enough to do whatever it was they were sent here to do to change people's lives. Steve Jobs can now be included in the long list of the out of the box thinkers that have left us suddenly, Martin Luther King Jr., Tupac, John F. Kennedy, Michael Jackson, and even Princ...