Holy Week is nearing a close and today is Good Friday, 3 days before Easter, the day in which Jesus was resurrected from the dead. For many years even though I call myself a Christian, I never really understood why. As I attended my first Good Friday Service, it helped me to put things into perspective and gave me clarity to some unanswered questions.Why do we sacrifice something during Lenten season, and attend Good Friday services at noon? What's with the Hot Cross buns? Without sounding too "preachy", I would like to give my take on it. Traditionally speaking, it is the Day when Jesus was crucified, dead and buried. Between the hours of noon and 3:00pm he was nailed to the cross. Most of us now the story of how he rode though the city of Jerusalem on a donkey that until then had never been ridden. Previously everyone shouted "Save Us"! but on this day they shouted "Crucify Him"! Not knowing that the only way to be saved, was through the Cro...