
Showing posts from 2013

Importance of Organ Donation - A letter to Mr. Steve Harvey

After recently hearing the comments made from Steve Harvey during his nationally syndicated radio show I was so enraged, I wrote this letter in response. Organ donation has directly affected me, as I have not been a recipient or donor. However, someone very close to me has. I feel very strongly and passionately about it and will continue to be an advocate for it. I hope this letter, although directed towards Steve Harvey, will enlighten the reader as well.   Dear Mr. Harvey, I am disappointed, discontent, and disenchanted about a comment you made during your recent Strawberry Letter Segment.   During your response to a woman's letter in which she was concerned about whether or not to donate her eggs to another couple you referenced organ donation jokingly and stated that if you're asked at the dmv to be an organ donor, the answer would be "Hell No!" Even your co-host, Carla responded by saying "you won't need them when you're dead".   Le...

A Good Christmas Deed

As a walked up to my bank's atm on Christmas Eve to make my deposit, the machine said "would you like another transaction" or "return card". Apparently the gentleman before me had not completed his transaction before rushing off to continue his shopping. Without thinking I immediately pushed the button to return card and ran down the street after him just as he was about to drive off! He thanked me and then went on about his way... lucky that the right person got hold to his bank card. Honesty and integrity pays, especially these days when many have lost faith there are still people in this world that genuinely want to do the right thing... the other lesson is SLOW DOWN FOLKS! It is the holidays and everyone is trying to get it all done... but stay alert, be careful and safe because there are predators out here too! Most importantly... remember the reason for this season... HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU ALL!

Fruitvale: Ryan Coogler's Debut Film on Bay Area Police Slaying of Oscar Grant the Buzz of Sundance